Bajaj RE Cooperative: Undoubtedly the Top Choice for the Masses!

Traveling from Buendia to MOA and back? You can comfortably reach your destination at an affordable price. The top choice for passengers of Leveriza-Pasay Transport Service Cooperative is the Bajaj RE!

Proven Durability | In 2017, Leveriza-Pasay Transport Service Cooperative first tested the Bajaj RE, and after six years, there are now more than 70 Bajaj vehicles serving in Pasay. This is a testament that, apart from hard work and dedication, a reliable partner is needed for livelihood, and Bajaj, with its heavy-duty CV shaft and front fork suspension, fits the bill perfectly!

Proven Economy | “The Fuel Injection System of Bajaj RE is more economical compared to carburetors,” says Noli Calixto, Chairman of the Board of the Cooperative. Noli adds that for just Php 700, drivers can operate their Bajaj RE from dawn till dusk, with a take-home income of up to Php 2,500 after deducting the boundary fee. It’s truly a lucrative deal for the cooperative’s members and drivers.

Proven Comfort | “Comfort and speed of travel” are the reasons why the old multicabs plying the MOA route were quickly replaced! Thanks to the comfort provided by Bajaj RE, it has not only impressed the cooperative but also the commuters in Pasay City. Credits go to the ergonomic seats that offer comfort to passengers and the heightened hood and hood pipe that can shield against both rain and sunshine.

Just like the 100,000+ who have placed their trust in Bajaj, the Leveriza-Pasay Transport Service Cooperative has also found a new star in transportation – the Bajaj Three-wheeler! Inquire now through this link: